Megan Hayner as Antigone

Mark Millan-Peek as Creon

Olivia Hanifan as Ismene

Sonny Duross as Hæmon

Chivon Millan-Peek as Euridice

Jay White as General Ajax

The World-Premiere Production of Antigone ran from September 29th through October 1st, 2023.
The production was produced by Trust Your Gut Productions
Written and Directed by Michael Maricondi
Featuring: Sonny Duross, Olivia Hanifan, Megan Hayner, Chivon Millan-Peek, Mark Millan-Peek, and Jay White
Photos by Heather Mattioni (Matti Bright Concepts)
Projection design by Michael Maricondi
Lighting by Chris Ihasz, Michael Maricondi, and David LaMonica
Photos Courtesy of Trust Your Gut Production